Indran Amirthanayagam ( dirigeThe Beltway Poetry Quarterly (; es anfitrión de Poetry at the Port; director de DC-ALT, una asociación de traductores literarios; y curador de Es bachiller de Haverford College y maestro de la Universidad de Columbia. Es poeta, músico, ensayista y blogger en inglés, español, francés, portugués y creole haitiano . Ha publicado 19 poemarios, incluyendo Sur l’île nostalgique (L’Harmattan, 2020), The Migrant States(Hanging Loose Press, 2020) y Lírica a tiempo (Mesa Redonda, 2020). The Elephants of Reckoning ganó el Premio Paterson 1994 en los Estados Unidos. En música, ha producido el disco Rankont Dout. Ha publicado en The New York Times, The Hindu, Reforma, El Norte, entre otros. Es becario de The Foundation for the Contemporary Arts (2020), the New York Foundation for the Arts, the U.S/Mexico Fund for Culture, and the Macdowell Colony. Ganó los Juegos Florales de Guaymas, Sonora en 2006.

Indran Amirthanayagam ( directs The Beltway Poetry Quarterly (; is host of Poetry at the Port; director of DC-ALT, an association of literary translators; and curator of He is a BA from Haverford College and a teacher from Columbia University. He is a poet, musician, essayist, and blogger in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole. He has published 19 books of poetry, including Sur l’île nostalgique (L’Harmattan, 2020), The Migrant States (Hanging Loose Press, 2020) and Lírica a tiempo (Roundtable, 2020). The Elephants of Reckoning won the 1994 Paterson Prize in the United States. In music, he has produced the Rankont Dout album. He has published in The New York Times, The Hindu, Reforma, El Norte, among others. He is a fellow of The Foundation for the Contemporary Arts (2020), the New York Foundation for the Arts, the U.S / Mexico Fund for Culture, and the Macdowell Colony. He won the Floral Games in Guaymas, Sonora in 2006.

Puedes encontrar sus poemas en dos de nuestras antologías:/ you can find his poems in two of our anthologies: